Lets GO
Report Date: October 31, 2008

As soon as cold fronts start to reach South Florida, the fishing improves almost instantly. For the past few months we have mostly been day time swordfishing and that has gone great. As we get more cold fronts, we will start fishing more on the edge, but still venture to the sword grounds as conditions allow. This past week, we fished on the edge and had a great time catching a lot of decent size dorado as well as kingfish, and some sailfish. We were kite fishing with live goggle eyes, pilchards and threadfin herring. Early in the week, the conditions weren’t great with dirty water and south current, and the fishing was OK but not great. As the week progressed we found cleaner water but still had south current. With the cleaner water though we caught lots of dorado and kings and sails. Farther up to the north, they had north current and blue water and some boats had double digit releases of sailfish. As soon as we get north current, the sailfishing is going to be great. From what I have seen so far I really think that we are going to have a banner year on sailfish.
Besides fishing on the edge we have also done a considerable amount of daytime swordfishing and we have caught at least one sword on each trip. We also caught a thresher shark (released) that was every bit of 350 pounds. The size of the swordfish have been from 160 pounds to 300 pounds. There were a few 400 pound fish caught last week and even a 500 pound sword. There is nothing quite like seeing a fish of that size swimming while you have her on the leader. The colors on swords during the day are amazing. The day swordfish should remain hot well into the beginning of the year if not later.
We did have a trip schedule to Bimini for wahoo fishing and some bottom fishing but the weather didn’t allow us to go. I have another trip to the islands scheduled in a few weeks and hopefully we’ll have better weather for that trip.
Trips for the winter are slowly starting to fill in so take a look at your winter vacation
plans and let’s set up the trip and go catch some fish!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos
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