The sails are definitely here and it will only get better. Most of the trips we have been averaging 2 to 5 sailfish a day and our best day was 9 sailfish. Besides sailfish there have been some dolphin on the edge as well as some kingfish. This is also the time of year we see a stray yellowfin or two. Last year there were not a lot of yellowfins caught, but it was pretty good the year before that. Tackling a big yellowfin on 20 pound sailfish tackle is a fun, you have to be patient and use the tackle to its max.
I have also done some daytime swordfishing and we have caught at least one swordfish on every trip. We haven’t caught any huge fish (except for a 450 pound thresher shark which we released) but one of the swords we caught was the most “pumpkin” swordfish I have ever seen. A pumpkin sword is a swordfish that has bright orange colored meat. Some say it is due to the fact that these swords eat more crustaceans (red royal shrimp), but I have not seen this correlation very often. Anyway the meat was extremely orange and tasted very good. I also did one night sword trip. The night bite was actually red hot for a while, but the night we fished, a front was rolling through and the wind picked up and for whatever reason the bite shut off. We had one swordfish follow up a bait and take some half hearted whacks at the bait, but we never got tight. It was a long night and a rough ride back home.
The holidays are coming quick and I still have some days and nights open for the holiday week. If you are coming to town or have relatives visiting and you want to take them fishing, give me a call so we can set up the trip. The cold fronts that keep coming are getting the sails fired up. It should be a great month to fish. Also if you still haven’t decided on a gift for that special someone in your life, I offer gift certificates for every type of fishing that I do. It’s a great gift and one that will certainly be appreciated.
I hope everyone has a great and safe holiday season.
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos