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Summer is Here

Report Date: June 5, 2011

Since my last report, I was away on a fishing/business trip for a week and then came back and did a few daytime sword trips. The weather wasn’t exactly great for the sword trips with winds NE-E 15-20 mph, but we had some avid anglers from the northeast and decided to give it a go. The group was well prepared and even bought some of their own bean bag chairs. If you haven’t sat down in a quality bean bag chair while it’s rough, you will be amazed at how comfortable it is. It takes out all the pounding from the rough water and you are actually extremely comfortable in them. On our way out we spotted some frigates and trolled by them and picked up a few mahis. It was a good start as mahis are always welcomed on board. We managed to get 4 bites that day while deep dropping, and caught one swordfish about 100 pounds. Most of our bites were later in the day. We had a comfortable ride in as the wind was at our backs.
The next day we fished with the same group. The wind laid down just a little bit which made the ride out nicer. We scored on almost a dozen mahis on the way out and then set up for our first drop. While dropping our first strip bait, it started getting hit about 100 feet below the surface. We came tight and a 15-20 pound mahi. Unfortunately we didn’t get him and it ruined a very good looking strip bait. We dropped down again and as we were fighting another mahi off the stern, I noticed a very decent bite on the rodtip. Within seconds we were tight on a better fish. After 30 minutes or so we saw a decent looking sword under the boat. The fish was still full of fight, but an expertly thrown harpoon by Freddy, subdued the fish and on board she came. The sword was approximately 200 pounds and was a great way to start the day. Unfortunately we only got one more bite that day that we never got a good hookset. Overall we caught 2 swordfish and a few mahis and got the job done. The customers went home with cooler full of fillets and we had a great time with them on board.
I haven’t fished the edge since I came back, but the reports I got were promising. There were still a few sailfish around. One of my friends caught 6 in one day right off of Miami. There have also been kingfish, a few blackfin tunas and some mahis being pushed in by the east wind. The bottom bite has also been decent with mutton snappers and yellowtails.
This week we have some tip scheduled for both day swords and fishing on the edge and then hed over to Bimini for a few days. I am looking forward to all the trips. I still have open days in June and July so if you want swords day or night, mahis offshore or fishing on the edge, give me a call and let’s set it up!

Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos

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