Quite a few people took my advice and booked last minute trips last week to go mahi fishing and everyone was happy that they did as the mahi fishing got even better than what was already great. There were two distinct weedlines offshore. The first was about 12 miles offshore and the second one was about 16 miles offshore and both had lots of fish on them. The beauty of the tower really came into play this past week. I could run down the weedlines and simply look for fish swimming alongside the weeds. Either seeing a good amount of fish or seeing just one or two big mahis, I could spin the boat around and instruct the anglers on where to cast a live bait. Usually within seconds we were hooked up. For me, this is a great way to fish for mahis because you are simply not blind trolling (although that does work at times) but you are actively looking and hunting for fish and once you find them you get your clients into the action as they cast the bait, feel the fish eat it and then hook it all on their own. It gives them a great sense of accomplishment and gets them involved.
Not only did we score on lots of mahis but also there were a few days that the mahis were all gaffers and slammers. We had one day where the first fish we caught was 20 pounds and while fighting that one we hooked and caught a 38 pounder. Following the same birds, we caught 16 more mahis from that school and 10 of them were over 15 pounds including another fish of 30 or so pounds. That was one school of big mahis!!
The weather for the most part has been amazing as well. Although it is hot, we have managed to avoid all the rain and the seas have been flat calm. Right now though we are tracking a Tropical Storm that was right in our projected path, but the last few advisories are all having it go east of us. This storm should be well by us by early next week, which is fine since we have Labor Day weekend next week and have quite a few trips booked around that.
With the great mahi fishing, I have not fished on the edge at all, but as we get into September, we will be getting back into kite fishing for sailfish and also doing more daytime swordfishing. We will be ready for both. I got all my sailfish rods refinished by Biscayne Rods, put new line on all my new Alutecnos reels and have been making leaders to stay ahead of the game. The deep drop reels for swords have new braid on them as well, new wind-ons and I have a few baits already rigged and ready in the freezer. So, I know I’m ready, are you ready? Give me a call and lets go catch some fish!
P.S. New 37 SeaVee coming this fall – More to come soon.
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos