take a 66 Viking from South Florida all the way up to Cape Cod. We got lucky and had great weather and had a great time. We made stops in St Augustine Florida, Wrightsville Beach North Carolina, Ocean City Maryland and final destination was Cape Cod. What a difference leaving hot and humid 90 plus degree weather in Florida and arriving to low 50’s and not a stitch of humidity on Cape Cod.
After that trips we had quite a few dolphin trips and let me tell you, the dolphin fishing is on fire. Last year we had a terrible summer as far as mahis were concerned, but this year has been outstanding. We have caught our limit of 10 fish per person on almost every trip. The mahis are mostly schoolies to heavy lifters (5 — 10 pounds) but there have been some bigger ones mixed in. No matter how many dolphin I seem to catch I still get an adrenaline rush when we pull up to a big school of dolphin swimming around the boat. That and the fact that the clients really get a rush seeing that, especially the younger kids in the groups.
The next few weeks will be pretty busy. I’m getting new motors put on the Double D as well as getting new bottom paint applied and also have a family vacation coming up. So most of July is pretty booked up but I do have some days available. I do have this Friday and Saturday open and like I said the mahi fishing has been on fire. Also the day sword bite has been pretty good for most boats.
Now is the time to get your summer trips in before the summer is gone!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos