Everyone knows how much I love swordfishing. I have been chasing swordfish for over 25 years and have seen the highs and lows of this fishery. I have seen the night bite go from non-existent to 10 bites a night to slow again. Same as the daytime fishery. Our first swordfish during the day was back in 2007 and we were one, if not the first boat in Miami to catch a daytime swordfish. Here again the fishing went from phenomenal to slow but even at slow there were periods that the day fishery remained very good. This past month we have seen a tremendous increase in daytime swordfish. The bite is red hot and we have caught fish on every one of our trips except for one and even that trip we had three bites but failed to stay connected. Some of the days we have been getting five shots a day, and it seems that all of the fish are decent size. We have caught fish from just legal to over 300 pounds these past two weeks. This has been the best daytime swordfishing I have seen in the past 5 years. Unfortunately it also coincides with our winter sailfish season so most of the days we are booked on sailfish trips. I don't know how long this swordfish bite will last, but if it is a fish you would like to add to your bucket list, now is the time to go out there and give it a try.
Besides the sailfish and swordfish, we have been consistently catching a few mahis on every tips along with some very decent size blackfin tunas and a few kingfish so a mixed bag it has been the norm lately.
Now is the time to book your winter trips especially with the sailfish bite about to explode and if it's a swordfish you are after, there is no better time than now. Book those trips and lets go catch some fish!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos