Spring Fishing Is Red Hot
Report Date: May 25, 2020
With the country slowly re-opening we are starting to fish more and more, and that is good news as the fishing is about as good as it gets. We have had a phenomenal month of May with lots of sailfish, blackfin tunas, swordfish, and kingfish. For the past few years, our prime sailfish season has been shifting from the winter into the spring and this year is the same. Although sailfish season will be winding down soon, May was phenomenal with multiple days of 5 to 10 sailfish per day. The trend will continue for the next couple of weeks, but even in the summer, it is not uncommon to catch multiple sailfish in one day.

Our primary species in May is the blackfin tuna and this year did not disappoint. There is a limit now on tunas (10 per boat max) and it is not easy to achieve that limit, but we did this May and had multiple trips with 4 to 6 tunas per day. The tunas in May are on the large size ranging in 25 to 35 pounds and that is quite the battle on light tackle. These tunas will stick around well into June.

We have also had a couple of swordfish trips this month and we were blessed to have scored on both of our trips. Our first trip was with Kris who asked to catch a sailfish and if we were successful to try for a swordfish. We left the inlet, set up the kites and caught 2 big blackfin tunas followed by a big sailfish. We had only fished about an hour, so we shifted gears and went daytime swordfishing. The current was ripping, and it was tough to hold bottom and fish effectively. After three hours I suggested we try one more technique and if that didn't work, we would hed back to the edge and try for some more tunas. Within a few minutes the rod doubled over and we were on with a nice swordfish. After an hour or so we boated our sword and now Kris got both his sailfish and his swordfish. Our second sword trip was with longtime customer Paul. Paul seems to be a good luck charm when it comes to swordfish and this trip was no exception. Not only did he get his swordfish, but he ended up getting two and the first one he hand cranked from the bottom!


As you can see the fishing is on fire so now is definitely the time to book your trips. June will be a mix of offshore mahi fishing and fishing on the edge for sails, kings and tunas. We will also be doing more daytime swordfish trips. So, whether its sailfish, swordfish, tunas or mahis, give us a call and let’s go catch em!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos
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