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Variety of Trips

Report Date: May 29, 2005

Time flies when you are having fun and we have been having quite a bit of fun. In the last two weeks we have run a bunch of different trips from night swordfishing, snapper fishing in the Bahamas, to dolphin fishing in the Gulfstream.

Yesterday we ran our first bona fide dolphin trip of the season. Dolphin fishing in the Gulfstream this year has been OK but not red-hot. Yesterday we had flat calm conditions so we decided to hunt dolphin using the run and gun technique, which is to run in the Gulfstream and find productive areas to fish like weeds, debris and birds. We found the birds and the weeds and we definitely found the fish. We caught our limit of dolphin and truly had a blast doing it. I had a wife and husband combo in which the wife had never gone fishing but wanted to start fishing with husband. After some quick instruction, she took to it perfectly and soon was outfishing everyone. It was great to see them having a blast and learning at the same time.

We also did our first Bimini trip of the year and had a great time as well. We caught plenty of flag yellowtails and then caught some great mutton snappers as well. The reef fishing has hot, but you had to be on your toes because once the predators showed up, you had to catch your fish quick before the amberjacks, sharks and cudas enjoyed their free meals.

We have also fished in Miami during the day, and the best bet has been the blackfin tunas and some sailfish. Bait has been tough to catch for the past two weeks, but when you can load up the well, you can usually chum up the tunas and the sails.

We also had a few swordfish trips and although we had fish pulling drag on all our trips, we did have one trip where we didn?t catch a sword. On the other hand, we did have one phenomenal trip were we caught 5 swords in one night and also baited and fought a 250 pound mako for a short time.

As you can see, we have been busy fishing and June is almost booked completely. We have some awesome trips in June including a 7-day trip to Andros Island in the Bahamas, which should be outstanding. We will be targeting tunas, dolphin, marlin and bottom fish as well. My forecast for this month would be bottom fishing in the Bahamas, dolphin fishing in the Gulfstream and night trips for swords. As I said, I still have a few days open in June, and have open dates in July as well. Regardless of the trip you choose, I can guarantee one thing and that is that I will work my butt off to give you the best shot at catching fish and having fun. Call quickly though and lets get that perfect trip booked for you.

Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos

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