In the past few reports, we have noted how slow the mahi fishing has been this whole summer. In September we pretty much assumed that it was over and hopefully we would have better luck mahi fishing next season. As we dismissed the season, the best mahi fishing of the year is now taking place in late September and October. You would expect bigger mahis this time of year but not only are we seeing bigger fish, but we are seeing a ton of them It is not unusual to go out and catch 30 or so mahis every day. That might be the norm in the summer, but not in the fall. That coupled with the fact that each fish is bigger and much above the legal size, it's a win – win! Don't know how long this late season run will last, but we will take it especially knowing that sailfish season is knocking on the door.
We also made the run to Bimini to do a bit of high-speed trolling for wahoo. I was super excited to do this again and we were rewarded with some nice size wahoo. Our biggest on Day 1 was 50 pounds and then on Day 2 we caught one 55 pounds as well as some smaller ones. If you haven’t experienced it yet, there is no other sounds like the sound the reel makes when a wahoo hits the lure while you’re trolling at 15 knots. The bite is vicious and long. All I have to say, is your tackle better be up to the standard. Any faults in your rigging and you will find it out quick.
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos