Fishing Every Day
Report Date: March 17, 2022
Sorry for the delay in reports but it has been incredibly busy fishing every day. The very few days that we were not booked, there was maintenance to be done on the boat and tackle, as well as business paperwork and reports to be completed. The good news about fishing every day is you have your finger on the bite and pretty much know what is going on in the area.

The fishing in February was not stellar but it has picked up in March. Sailfish are daily catches and multiple fish per day are quite common. This past weekend we had a late front roll through, and we ended up catching 11 sailfish that day. It was a great time especially since all our anglers had never caught sailfish before. That same day we saw 4 big bluefin tunas cruise by. Although you want to hook them, there is almost no possibility of catching a 500 pound plus bluefin tuna on 20-pound line with 30-pound leader. We have hooked two this year and both ended up breaking the mainline. To that point though, there have been a few big 100 pound plus yellowfin tuna caught this year and I am eager to hook one of those. We have caught them up to 160 pounds in the past on our 20-pound sailfish outfits and we are very diligent on changing our line often this time of year in anticipation of a big yellowfin eating our bait.

Besides sailfish, there have been some decent mahis and just a few kingfish around. The blackfin tunas have been a bit scarce so far, but their season is April and May so that is right around the corner. These are one of my favorite fish to catch on light tackle.
Spring is our best time of year to fish in Miami with lots of sailfish, tunas, mahis and kingfish all in the mix. If you enjoy light tackle fishing for these pelagics, I urge you to book your trips now. As it stands, we only have one day left open in March and just a handful of days open in April. May is already over halfway booked as well. Give us a call or book your trip directly online and let’s go enjoy some great spring fishing!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Dean Panos
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